Help With Census 2020

UPDATE 3/31/2020 :

According to the Census Bureau, the deadline to reply to the census has been extended to August 14, 2020.

The public is strongly encouraged to respond online. (Options for responding by phone or mail are also available.)


Beginning March 12, 2020 South-East Asia Center will provide help with the 2020 census.

Information collected by the census will be used for the next ten years, to determine how many members of congress we will have and will be used to determine how much federal money our area will have to provide valuable needed educational and social services.

Some of the social services that get money based on the census numbers include hospitals, fire departments, public transportation, school lunch, and other very important programs.

The government census website says that during the 2020 Census, you will not be asked for:

  • Your Social Security number.
  • Money or donations.
  • Anything on behalf of a political party.
  • Your bank or credit card account numbers.

and most importantly, there is no citizenship question on the 2020 Census.

Your personal information is kept confidential. Which means it will not be shared.

The Census Bureau is bound by federal law to protect your information and see to it that your answers are used only for statistical purposes.

This means that your answers will only be reported in a way that counts your responses as part of the total number. For example, if you report that you are “male” your answer might be used to add up how many men live in your zip code, city, or state. If you report your age as “45 years-old” this information might be used to report how many people in your age group live in your area. The census is NOT used to report information about you as an individual.

Everyone living in the United States is required by law to be counted in the 2020 Census.

If you get a letter like this in the mail bring it with your ID (so we know we are helping the right person) to South-East Asia Center, 5120 N. Broadway (Floor 2) and we will help you.

If you have questions call us at (773)989-6927 and ask for “Census Help.”


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